Park to Park

Where epic is commonplace and adventure welcomes you at every stop.
The Park to Park Region is where history leads to adventure. It’s Thermopolis, where the prehistoric past of the Wyoming Dinosaur Center leads to an alien landscape shaped by mineral water at Hot Springs State Park. It’s Casper, where the Oregon Trail Ruts, Independence Rock and other fragments of the westward expansion lead to world-renowned fly fishing along blue-ribbon waters. It’s Wyoming’s eastern plains, where 19th-century military post Fort Laramie National Historic Site leads to state parks, like Guernsey and Glendo, filled with opportunities for hiking, boating and swimming in sparkling reservoirs. This region is home to Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming and host of the world’s largest outdoor rodeo and Western celebration: Cheyenne Frontier Days. And it’s home to many small towns with western flair, including eye-catching landscapes, makers of Wyoming spirits and the birthplace of the legendary jackalope. It’s your chance to journey through time and wide-open space on your way to Yellowstone National Park.
Explore the
Park to Park Region
Follow the Park-to-Park Highway — a popular early 1900s auto route connecting 12 national parks in the West — to discover road-trip stops too special to ignore, from Wyoming’s lively capital city to quaint small towns that move at a refreshingly slower pace.
Show us how you explore the Park to Park region by using #ParktoParkWY and #ThatsWY on your next Wyoming road trip.
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Things To Do
In the Park to Park Region
Uncover an array of activities and attractions in the Park to Park Region, ensuring a vibrant and memorable experience during your visit.
Places TO Stay
In the National Parks Region
Looking for accommodations? Explore a variety of lodging options to stay in the Park to Park Region and make your trip unforgettable.
Places TO Eat
In the National Parks Region
Explore a mix of dining spots and watering holes in the Park to Park Region, offering a variety of flavors and drinks to satisfy your cravings.