
Have you ever seen a jackalope? If not, you’re sure to find one in Douglas, Wyoming.

This town is where the storied legend of the jackalope – an animal with the body of a jackrabbit and the antlers of an antelope – was born. Stop for a photo op with the eight-foot tall jackalope statue in Jackalope Square and find other mementos of this mythical creature during your visit. Douglas is filled with plenty of outdoor opportunities, as well, with the Laramie Mountain Range and Medicine Bow National Forest to the south and the Platte River running right through town. Explore these surrounding natural spaces to get your fill of camping, hiking, mountain biking, fishing, hunting and wildlife viewing. While in the area, don’t miss a stop at Ayres Natural Bridge. Just a short drive off I-25, this natural bridge is a 100-foot long rock arch spanning LaPrele Creek. Ayres Natural Bridge Park is the perfect place for a picnic, a stroll or a splash in the creek. Visit in the summer to experience Wyoming’s state fair, which is held in Douglas every August.

Things to Do

Uncover an array of activities and attractions in Douglas, ensuring a vibrant and memorable experience during your visit.

Places to Stay

Looking for accommodations? Explore a variety of lodging options to stay in Douglas and make your trip unforgettable.

Places to Eat

Explore a mix of dining spots and watering holes in Douglas, offering a variety of flavors and drinks to satisfy your cravings.

Explore Douglas, Wyoming

Plan your Douglas, Wyoming adventure today. Discover outdoor activities, explore historical museums and nearby attractions.