Wyoming loves our state and federal parks, forests and recreation areas and we hope you do too. Help us preserve the land for years to come while being safe on your visit with these helpful tips.
1. Pack Your Patience
Wyoming parks and forests can be very busy during the summer months. It’s also a big place. Schedule extra time while traveling to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.
2. Practice Safe Selfies
Do not approach animals to take pictures and always remember to be aware of your surroundings. Stay at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves and at least 25 yards away from all other wildlife.
3. Be an Early Bird
Early birds avoid the crowds. Visit the parks during nonpeak hours (before 9 am and after 3 pm) and seasons (April and May, September and October) for a more intimate experience.
4. Plan Ahead

Campgrounds and lodges fill early, so finding accommodations can be challenging at the last minute. Visit these places to stay to explore all options in nearby communities.
5. Stay on Boardwalks & Trails

Trails and boardwalks are there for your safety, and for the preservation of the landscape. Please stick to the trail. This will also help reduce the spread of invasive species into our beloved natural areas.
6. Drive Responsibly

Always remember to observe posted speed limits. Please use pullouts to watch wildlife, take pictures, and let other cars pass.
7. Travel Safely

You’re in bear country. Bears inhabit areas throughout the state, not just the backcountry of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. Remember, a bear doesn’t care who you are, so always carry bear spray and know how to use it. And be sure to always stay at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves and at least 25 yards away from all other wildlife.
8. Can You Hear Me Now?
Cell service and bandwidth are limited: don’t be surprised if you can’t receive calls or texts, and plan accordingly. Disconnecting can be a good thing when planned.
9. Be an Explorer

Plan your trip to take in the vibrant communities, public lands, and natural wonders throughout the state.
10. Download the App
Find useful information by downloading apps from Wyoming State Parks and the National Park Service or click here for more planning resources.